What Does Crc Stand for in Military

Veterans Affairs Acronyms & TermsA list of common and frequent VA acronyms, terms and abbreviations that are used when discussing veterans benefits, health, education, retirement and disability. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and involved individuals use many acronyms and abbreviations. Browse through the acronym list letter by letter or use the search box to quickly look up an acronym and its meaning.

Veterans Affairs Acronyms & Terms

Abbreviation Meaning
9 VA Form 9, Appeal to the Board of Veterans' Appeals
10-10EC VA Form 10-10EC, Application for Extended Care Services
10-10EZ VA Form 10-10EZ, Application for Health Benefits
10-10EZR VA Form 10-10EZR, Health Benefits Renewal Form
1151 Claim A claim for benefits as a result of injury caused by VA treatment
A&A Aid and attendance
AAO Assistant adjudication officer
ABCMR Army Board for Correction of Military Records
ABD Annuity Beginning Date
ACAP Annual clothing allowance payment
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act
ADHC Adult day health care
ADL Activities of daily living
ADT Active duty for training
AFB Air Force Base
AFBCMR Air Force Board for Correction of Military Records
AFHRA Air Force Historical Research Agency
AFI Air Force instruction
AFIP Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
AGG Aggravated in service
AHRC Army Human Resources Command
AIRS Appellate Index Retrieval System
AL American Legion
ALJ Administrative Law Judge
ALS Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
AMC Appeals Management Center
AML Acute myelogenous leukemia
AMVETS American Veterans
AO Agent Orange
AO Adjudication Officer
AOCAP Agent Orange Class Assistance Program
AOJ Agency of original jurisdiction
AOR Agent Orange Registry
APA Administrative Procedures Act
AR Army regulation
ARBA Army Review Boards Agency
AVSCM Assistant Veterans Service Center Manager
AWA All Writs Act
AWOL Absent without official leave
BCD Bad conduct discharge
BCMR Board for Correction of Military Records
BCNR Board for Correction of Naval Records
BDD Benefits Delivery at Discharge
BDN Benefits Delivery Network
BHL Bilateral hearing loss
Board The Board of Veterans' Appeals or "BVA".
BVA The Board of Veterans' Appeals.
C&C Confirmed and Continued (rating decision)
C&P Compensation and Pension
C.F.R. Code of Federal Regulations
CAAF Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces
CARES Capital Asset Realignment for Enhanced Services
CAVC The Unites States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims.
CAVC U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
CBD Chief Benefits Director
CBO Chief business office
CBOC Community Based Outpatient Clinic
CCF Compound comminuted fracture
CD Clemency discharge
CDR Counter designation of record
C-file Claims File
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CG Coast Guard
CGBCMR Coast Guard Board for Correction of Military Records
CHAMPUS Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services
CHAMPVA Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs
CHR Consolidated health record
CIB Combat Infantryman Badge
CLC VA Community Living Center (formerly VA Nursing Home Care Units)
CLL Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
CMB Combat Medical Badge
CMD Chief Medical Director
CMO Chief Medical Officer
CNHC Community nursing home care
CO VA Central Office or commanding officer
COD Character of discharge
COE Certificate of Eligibility
COG Convenience of the government
COLA Cost-of-living adjustment
Comp. Compensation
CONUS The contiguous United States
COVA Court of Veterans Appeals (Renamed Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims)
COWC Committee on Waivers and Compromises
CPI Claims Processing Improvement
CRC Community residential center
CRDP Concurrent retirement and disability pay
CRRC Community Resource and Referral Centers
CRSC Combat-related special compensation
CTA Centralized transcription activities
CUE Clear and unmistakable error
CURR Center for Units Records Research
CV Combat Veteran
CWT VA Compensated Work Therapy Program
CWT Compensation work therapy
DAV Disabled American Veterans
DBQ Disability Benefits Questionnaire
DC Diagnostic code
DCHV Domiciliary Care for Homeless Veterans
DD Dishonorable discharge
DD-214 Discharge certificate
DDD Degenerative disc disease
DEA Dependent's educational assistance
DES Disability evaluation system
DFAS Defense Finance and Accounting Services
DFR Dropped from the rolls
DIC Dependency and indemnity compensation
DM Diabetes mellitus
DMZ Demilitarized zone
DOD Department of Defense
DOD Department of Defense
DRB Discharge Review Board
DRC Decision Ready Claims
DRE Discharge Review Board
DRO Decision Review Officer
DSM American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders
DSMIV Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.)
DSO Department service officer
DTR Deep tendon reflexes
DVA The Department of Veterans Affairs.
DVA Department of Veterans Affairs
EAD Entry on active duty
EAJA Equal Access to Justice Act
ECA Expedited Claims Adjudication Initiative
ED Erectile dysfunction
EGC Electrocardiogram
EKG Electrocardiogram
EOB Explanation of benefits
EOD Entry on Duty
EOD Explosive Ordinance Disposal
EPC End product control
ESG Environmental Support Group (see USASCRUR)
ETS Expiration of term of service
EVR Eligibility verification report
FDC Fully Developed Claim
FHA Federal Housing Authority
FOIA Freedom of Information Act
Form 9 The VA form that must be submitted after receipt of a Statement of the Case to perfect an appeal.
FR index Federal Register Index
FSGLI Family Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance
FTCA Federal Tort Claims Act
GAO Government Accounting Office
GC General counsel
GD General discharge
GPD Grant and Per Diem
GSW Gun shot wound
GWS Gulf war syndrome
H&CBC Home and Community Based Care
HB Housebound
HBHC Hospital Based Home Care
HBPC Home Based Primary Care
HCHV Health Care for Homeless Veterans
HCRV Health Care for Reentry Veterans
HD Honorable discharge
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HISA Home improvement and structural alterations
HIV Human immunodeficiency virus
HO Hearing officer
H-PACTs Homeless Patient Aligned Care Teams
HPV Human immunodeficiency virus
HUD-VASH Housing and Urban Development - Veteran Affairs Supportive Housing
HVCES Homeless Veteran Community Employment Services
IED Improvised explosive device
IG Inspector general
IME Independent medical expert or independent medical evaluation
INC Incurred in service
IOM Institute of Medicine
IOP Internal operating procedures
IRIS Inquiry Routing and Information System
IRRRL Native American Direct Loan
IT Incentive therapy
IU Individual unemployability
IVAP Income for VA purposes
JAG Judge Advocate General
JMR Joint motion for remand
JSRRC Joint Services Records Research Center
LOD Line of duty
LOM Limitation of motion
LSA List of Sections Affected (C.F.R.)
LSW Licensed social worker
M-1 VA Healthcare Adjudication Manual
M-21 VA Claims Adjudication Manual
M21-1MR Adjudication Procedures Manual Rewrite
MACR Missing air crew reports
MAPR Maximum annual pension rate
MGIB Montgomery GI Bill
MHS Mental Health System
MIB Marine index bureau
MOS Military occupational specialty
MPR Military personnel records
MRI Magnetic resonance imaging
MST Military Sexual Trauma
MTF Military Treatment Facility (DoD)
NADL Interest Rate Reduction Refinance Loan
NAP Income for VA purposes
NARA National Archives and Record Administration
NAUS National Association for Uniformed Services
NHL Non-hodgkins lymphoma
NMCB U.S. Navy Mobile Construction Battalion
NOA Notice of Appeal
NOD Notice of Death or Notice of Disagreement
NOS Not otherwise specified
NPC Naval Personnel Command
NPRC National Personnel Records Center
NRPC Naval Reserve Personnel Command
NSC Non-service-connected
NSLI National Service Life Insurance
NSO National service officer
NVLSP National Veterans Legal Services Program
OEF Operation Enduring Freedom
OGC Office of the General Counsel
OIF Operation Iraqi Freedom
OIG Office of Inspector General
OMPF Official military personnel file
Op. G.C. Opinion of the General Counsel
OPC Outpatient clinic
OPT Outpatient treatment
OQP Office of Quality and Performance
OSGLI Office of Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance
OTH Other than honorable
PCP Primary Care Provider
PDBR Physical Disability Board of Review
PDR Physicians Desk Reference
PEB Physical Evaluation Board
PEBLO Physical Evaluation Board Liaison Officer
PERMS Permanent Electronic Records Management System
PG Persian Gulf
PGW Persian Gulf War
PIES Personnel Information Exchange System
PIF Pending issue file
PII Personally Identifiable Identification
PLEP.L. Public Law
PMC Pension Maintenance Center
PMHP Primary Mental Health Provider
POA Power of attorney
POC Point of Contact
POW Prisoner-of-war
PRC Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center
PT Physical therapy or permanent total disability
PTE Peace time era
PTSD Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
R.C. Regional counsel (chief legal authority in a VARO)
RAD Release from active duty
RCS Readjustment Counseling Service
RE code Reenlistment code
REAP Reserve Educational Assistance Program
REPS Restored Entitlement Program for Survivors
RESCUE Resources and Education for Stroke Caregivers' Understanding and Empowerment
RH Insurance policy designation for veterans with service-connected disabilities
RI Individual unemployability
RI Rating increase
RLC Regional Loan Center
RMC Records Management Center
RMO Records Management Officer
RN Registered nurse
RO Regional Office
ROI Release of Information
ROTC Reserve Officers' Training Corps
RPC (VA) Records Processing Center (St. Louis)
RSFPP Retired Services Family Protection Plan
RVN Republic of Vietnam
RVSR Rating Veterans Service Representative
SAH Specially Adapted Housing
SAP Substance Abuse Program
SBP Survivor Benefit Plan
SBP-MIW Survivor Benefit Plan-Minimum Income Widow
SC Service-connected
SDN Separation Designator Number
SDRP Special Discharge Review Program
SDRP Special Discharge Review Program
S-DVI Service-Disabled Veterans Life Insurance
SF Special forces
SF Standard Form
SFW Shell fragment wound
SGLI Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance
SGLI-DE Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance-Disability Extension
SHA Special Housing Adaptation
SIRS Special Issue Rating System
SM Service Members
SMC Special Monthly Compensation
SMifi Supplementary medical insurance benefit
SMP Special monthly pension
SMP Special Monthly Pension
SMR Service medical record
SMR Service medical record
SN Service number
SOC Statement of the Case
SPCM Special court-martial
SPD Separation program designator
SPN Separation program number
SRD Schedule for Rating Disabilities
SSA Social Security Administration
SSB Special separation benefits
SSDI Social Security Disability Income
SSI Supplemental Security Income
SSN Social Security Number
SSOC Supplemental Statement of the Case
SSVF Supportive Services for Veteran Families
STR Service treatment records
STS Soft tissue sarcoma
TAD Temporary active duty
TAP Transition Assistance Program
TBI Traumatic brain injury
TDIU Total Disability based on Individual Unemployability
TDRL Temporary Disability Retired List (uniformed service)
TDY Temporary duty
TIN Transaction Identification Number
TPQ Third-party query
TRDL Temporary disabled retirement list
TSGLI Traumatic Injury Protection Group Life Insurance
U.S.C. United States Code
U.S.C.A. United States Code Annotated
U.S.C.S. United States Code Service
UCMJ Uniform Code of Military Justice
UD Undesirable discharge
UOTHC (Discharge) under other than honorable conditions
USGLI United States Government Life Insurance
USJSRRC United States Joint Service Records Research Center
VA Veteran Affairs
VACO VA Central Office
VACOLS Veterans Appeals Control and Locator System
VAF VA form
VAGC VA General Counsel
VAHAC VA Health Administration Center
VAHCS Department of Veterans Affairs Health Care System
VAi2 VA Innovation Initiative
VAMC VA Medical Center
VAOGC VA Office of the General Counsel
VAOIG VA Office of the Inspector General
VAOPC VA outpatient clinic
VAR VA regulation
VARO VA Regional Office
VBA Veterans Benefits Administration
VBC Veterans benefits counselor
VCAA Veterans Claims Assistance Act
VD Venereal disease
VEAP Post-Vietnam Era Veterans' Educational Assistance Program
VETS Veterans Employment and Training Service
VFW Veterans of Foreign Wars
VGLI Veterans' Group Life Insurance
VHA Veterans Health Administration
VIC VA Innovation Center
VISN Veterans Integrated Service Network
VJO Veterans Justice Outreach
VJRA Veterans Judicial Review Act
VLJ Veterans Law Judge
VMLI Veterans' Mortgage Life Insurance
VONAPP Veterans Online Application
VR&E Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment
VRAP Veterans Retraining Assistance Program
VRC Vocational rehabilitation counseling
VSCM Veterans Service Center Manager
VSM Vietnam Service Medal
VSO Veterans service organization
VSR Veterans Service Representative
WRIISC War Related Illness and Injury Center

What Does Crc Stand for in Military

Source: https://militarybenefits.info/veterans-affairs-acronyms/

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